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provides a variety of programs to families, adults, and children that need assistance with mental health, substance abuse, and disability with a goal of putting families on the path of self-sufficiency and improving the wellbeing of our most vulnerable residents.
provides support services to adults with disabilities and their caregivers. 262-833-8777
Train & Learn
is early intervention services for children with developmental delays. 262-638-7720
helps children with disabilities and their families through funding supports and services that help children grow and live their best lives.
For Families
funds many supports and services that you can’t get through other insurance, Medicaid, or the Children’s Long-Term Support Program. It can also pay for a one-time need. 866-710-4054
is a program that provides an array of community-based psychosocial rehabilitation services for children and adults who have a Mental Health and/or Substance Use diagnosis. 262-638-6744
provide emergency mental health services 24 hours a day/seven days a week 262-638-6741
provides nutrition education, breastfeeding education and support, supplemental nutritious foods, and referrals to other health and nutrition services. (262) 637-7750
is responsible for providing public health services to many communities in Racine County. These communities include Caledonia, Dover, Mt. Pleasant, North Bay, Elmwood Park, Wind Point, Norway, Raymond, Rochester, Sturtevant, Union Grove, Yorkville, Town and Village of Waterford, Town and City of Burlington. (262) 898-4460
provides programs and services to improve the health of City residents and families. 262-636-9201
Free and low cost health and dental care
is a non-profit agency providing free or low cost health care to residents of Racine County who are medically uninsured and have limited income. (262) 632-2400