For more information regarding family leadership, please contact the Resource Center at 414-266-6333.
Family leadership opportunities:

Children’s Advocacy Network
Children and families face many issues that are influenced by local, state and federal policies. Children’s Advocacy Network (C.A.N.) is Children's Wisconsin network of supporters who advocate on behalf of the health and well-being of Wisconsin’s children. Learn more about C.A.N. and Children’s Wisconsin’s advocacy work.

Family Partners Program
The Family Partners Program is a group of family volunteers who have children that receive care and services through any Children’s Wisconsin location. It includes allows parents and other family members to serve as advisors on committees, focus groups, panel presentations. The goal is to incorporate family input, based on their experiences, into program design, quality improvement initiatives, policy reviews and other activities that impact patients and families.
Getting families involved in the healthcare decision-making process benefits everyone. Some suggestions have helped the hospital save money and improved patient satisfaction. Families benefit from their participation since it provides an opportunity to give back and help make meaningful change. Much of this program is virtual, so feel free to join us from anywhere!
Learn More about the Family Partners Program

Wisconsin Family Leadership Insitute (WiFLI)
The Wisconsin Family Leadership Institute is for parents of children with disabilities and special health care needs. This program provides participants the opportunity to gain the skills and confidence to be at the table when decisions are made in the community: serving on community advisory groups (like at the library, school, recreation programs, or medical clinic) to county or state boards or committees. Parents can also share their experiences with systems, to advocate to their legislators for real solutions.
Learn more about WiFLI

Family Advisory Committe
The Family Advisory Committee (FAC) is a multidisciplinary committee consisting of hospital as well as family representatives that serve as an advisory resource to Children’s Wisconsin. The mission of the FAC is to promote and support family-centered values throughout Children’s Wisconsin’s entire system. The FAC strives to promote respectful, effective partnerships among families, professionals and the community that lead to increased understanding and cooperation between families and professionals and ultimately increased patient/family satisfaction.
Learn more about the Family Advisory Committee

Wisconsin Partners in Policymaking
This program funded by the Board of People with Developmental Disabilities teaches every person who goes through the program, the knowledge, tools, and confidence necessary to make an impact in their community. To learn more about this program visit